Socially Drinking At Computer

I love how the greatest sin to #fediblock ers is reposting @alex

@burner Dude. Why do these people think they're on a first-name basis with me? They act like they know me. I have no clue who these people are. They refuse to have a conversation to me because they're too scared I might say something that will make them feel slightly uncomfortable. It's crazy. People just talk and talk and talk about me, never TO me, and I just live rent-free in their minds.

but you're a horrible, genocidal, manic TERF, everyone knows that

The worst vegan in history - how dare you repost him ๐Ÿ™„

jokes aside yeah it's very funny, I've never really understood their mindset of never hearing people out because all of their opinions are rooted in gay, moral shit. "Person is bad because he believes that X is bad", because X is good and it is unthinkable to even consider it to be bad. Nuts how people have entire worldviews based on that.

@burner @alex
The racoon seethes in pain because no matter how hard he tries to be faggot friendly he is still getting lumped in with us.

@alex @burner I mean he called you 'fucking Gleason' so that's not actually a first name basis, now is it?

@alex @burner >tfw his first name actually is 'Fucking'

@burner @alex >SPC, poast, usual stuff

I'm going to go repost some Gleason posts hehe

you wouldn't dare

Just watch me repost Alex "Troon Killer" Gleason

Because their positions are too fragile to withstand anything except complete submission. The faggots want documented pedophiles to be allowed near kids, and their only defence of this is "tRaNs PeOpLe ExIsT". Even a vegan btw sounds reasonable in comparison to them.

I love slogans like "trans people exist", chanted as if I haven't been reminded of this unfortunately reality against my will every single day for the past decade with zero reprieve.

@smug @alex @burner honestly bullshit tbh. Do I have friends on poast and SPC and FSE? Of course. I also have friends on girlcock dot club and froggie dot gay and woem dot men and everything in between. I've never boosted or posted anything disparaging against anyone, if anything I could be accused of doing some hugboxing but that's probably a sin too so whatever. I'm going to keep being friendly, and choose to love and not hate, as much as I can.

@smug @alex @burner though for the record the FBA hasn't reported anyone (new) blocking me so whatever.

I know dude, it takes everything I have to not say "Unfortunately" when I hear it IRL. stop ๐Ÿ‘ federating ๐Ÿ‘ with ๐Ÿ‘ the ๐Ÿ‘ usual ๐Ÿ‘ suspects

@burner @alex wtf did SPC do? Apart from a few bad actors (literally just me) spc is great

@alex @burner i like to talk to you

@graf @burner Absolutely haram

@alex @burner did you see the latest supply chain attack?

@graf @burner I did, I upgraded my shit

@Hoss @Sui @alex @burner trans people dont exist. Only wierdos, sex pests, groomers and crossdressing perverts.

start acting really weird alex gleason

start eating meat all of a sudden

@ForbiddenDreamer @alex @burner > Fucking Gleason
Tag me in coach.

@alex @burner I know you quite well, Alex, I distinctly remember the night at a NYE party in 2006 where you said loudly "this bitch wont even know what happened!" I dismissed this as drunken/exhuberant ramblings as I was quite indulged in substances myself until I saw you clearly put a pinch of powder in a womans drink and mumble something about how "millions of cows are sacrificed for mankinds pleasure at the expense of Earth, what difference is it if a woman do the same?" With a depraved, sadistic grin on your face. Unfortunatรจly I did not manage to intervene having taken too much xanny to even move but I will never forget the fleeting memories of a woman screaming, pleading for her life before I lost consciousness. I will never forget the forlorn look on other partygoers faces next day and the headline of a local paper "local woman Mary Edwards, 23 missing. Family offering $500 dollar reward for info." No Alex, I know far too much of you! #metoo

@GeorgeFloydLincolnRockwell @burner My friend. I sprinkled only vitamin B12 into that glass. That woman was my vegan wife.

@prettygood @alex @burner @smug two years ago, I made a post criticizing the use of social isolation as a tool against far-right extremism, using my personal experiences for why I believe that

We are now the 146th most defederated instance on fedi

@lewdthewides @alex @burner @smug I've only be de-fed'd four times and zero of them make any sense. "No ToS" the instance is just me, the terms of service is "be me"

I've been defederated a bit over 250 times, not sure why

@prettygood @alex @lewdthewides @burner @smug

>Be me
>Be defederated

@Hyperhidrosis @burner @alex
>wtf did SPC do?
Being slightly spicy. We mostly have count dankula level of spicy and this is enough for people to give us the nazi pug treatment.

@Hoss @Sui @alex @burner
''Trans people exist!''
''Yeah, we know. There's a registry of sex offenders who target children.''

See also: ''BLM!''
''Yes they do. Look at crime demographics.''

Too handsome

@prettygood @alex @burner @smug what is this fuckface's problem? the mental picture of a little stasi rat keeping tabs on all his neighbors that were friendly to a guy that slighted him, so he can find things to report to the authorities.

they just hate it when a handsome gamer is polite online

Thats my boy


it is you, it is also me. It is also @rapist. We are all polite, handsome gamers.

> safe
the TWO keeps on going

@lewdthewides @prettygood @alex @burner @smug do you still have that post anywhere? would be curious to see it.

@allison @alex @burner @prettygood @smug It's somewhere in the 12,288 statuses of mine. I'm not even thinking of searching the database that far ago until I change hoster