Socially Drinking At Computer

arch is annoying to deal with, kinda

fedora packagers are kinda retarded and focused on flatpaks 🤢 🤮

opensus annoys me weirdly

tf do i do now

@mischievoustomato arch is best just get good

i can install arch without even looking at the screen, the thing is that pacman as a package manager is annoying

i like systemd

@mischievoustomato whats wrong with Ubuntu?

its ubuntu

@mischievoustomato gentoo! Portage is terrific as a package manager. Its just pokey.

@mischievoustomato What's wrong with flatpaks

stuff they have annoys me. they don't pick up stuff from your .config folder on your home folder unless you use flatseal to make them see it, they instead put their shit under .var/app/. And potential broken behaviors that i might not know of and so on. not to mention the discrepancy between OS and packages that annoys me as well.

i dont have the time to compile all the stuff i use

@mischievoustomato eh, I just let it cook while I sleep or work. Despite how it appears I'm not in front of a computer all day long

@mischievoustomato @prettygood Gentoo builds binary packages for everything now

the problem lies in the options. what stuff do they enable? what if they dont enable something i want? etc etc

last time i tried it took 3 days to get to a barebones system, cant do that, sorry

@mischievoustomato why would you think apt or rpm is better wen they just are not at all

removing a package with pacman did stupid stuff, while dnf does the right thing fine.

@mischievoustomato @prettygood "what do they enable?" probably everything, it would be insane if they didn't, also you can totally still build from source on individual packages if you want to, this just takes the edge off as it were (not unlike how NixOS is a source based distro but binary build derivations are cached and installed in 99.9999% of cases)

@mischievoustomato you did it the wrong way then nigger

no, i didn't. pacman's just dumb, sorry you had to find it this way :(

I'll have to think. I don't know. I suppose Gentoo could be fine, but maybe I'll just go to the Arch route

@markcuban @mischievoustomato Idk about apt but rpm is totally superior

you on fedora/opensus?

@mischievoustomato @prettygood up to you really, I'm pretty disengaged from the Linux space at large and as long as things mostly work on my machine I'm not gonna bother changing distros gratuitously from what I'm already using

alrighty, thank you. I'm just reevaluating because of some things that happened in the nix space and its inherent annoyances as well

@mischievoustomato @markcuban I'm on fedora silverblue

huh, neat

@aeris @mischievoustomato no they are totaly not. you just do not know how to use pacman so you think that nigger shit is better

@markcuban @mischievoustomato I've used arch for quite some time i know what i am talking about

eh, i just ignore that guy now because he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about

@mischievoustomato @aeris you are stupid as usual

as i said, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about. what a shame

@mischievoustomato Devuan unstable

does it run systemd?

@mischievoustomato @Cocoa That's called Debian

Devuan specifically does not use systemd as I recall. I'm using devuan sid on my arm chromebook.

(i was being stupid on purpose, i know what devuan is and i dont intend to run anything systemd-less)

Ah, sorry for ruining the joke.

@allison @mischievoustomato yeah I settled in to Gentoo because I'm autistic enough to go "reeeee I don't want bluetooth" but aside from compile times the upkeep is the same as any other rolling release distro. Some people trip up cause they're used to Ubuntu where you can go 2 months without updating and be fine whereas you're asking for trouble doing that on gentoo.