Socially Drinking At Computer

OK time to sleep and pretend tonight didn't happen 😃

I plan ob ettibg loose tomorrow as well I'm sorry

Holy fuck I fucked up I'm so intoxicated

@thegreatape mix in a water bud ❤️

@thegreatape yeah get some water before bed or you'll regret it bout to crush a la Croix now tyvm

@thegreatape don't forget to take some Tylenol before you go to bed too and good luck ^^

@vriska @thegreatape I recommend against Tylenol, that shit's bad on your liver. I stick to ibuprofen.

@prettygood @thegreatape nsaids can be hard on stomach and not quite what you want when you're pukey hungover but fair

@vriska @thegreatape sure, there's no "good" option in terms of pain killers, granted. For me, personally, ibuprofen never bothered me and something like 70% of liver failures are related to paracetamol use so... yeah.

@vriska @thegreatape Tylenol and alcohol is a recipe for liver failure.

@prettygood @thegreatape and I'm not medically allowed to have nsaids cuz they make my insides bleed, different for everyone I guess!